
Project designation | EXPORPLÁS – COVID-19 Project code | CENTRO-02-0889-FEDER-060593 Main objective| Strengthen the Competitiveness of the Intervention Region SMEs | CENTER Beneficiary entity | EXPORPLÁS – INDÚSTRIA DE EXPORTAÇÃO DE PLASTICOS, SA Date of approval | 2020-07-24 Start date | 2020-05-25 Completion date | 2020-11-15 Total eligible cost | 6,547.50€ Financial support from the European Union | FEDER 3,237.75€ Project summary: This project aims to improve the organization of the company, with regard to control measures for the COVID-19 Pandemic, namely the acquisition of control equipment.



PROJECT No. POCI-02-0853-FEDER-035163 PROJECT NAME | EXPORPLÁS – QUALIFICATION SUPPORT UNDER THE INCENTIVE SYSTEM MAIN OBJECTIVE | STRENGTHENING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF SMEs INTERVENTION REGION | CENTER – COURTAGE. BENEFICIARY ENTITY | EXPORPLÁS INDÚSTRIA EXPORTAÇÃO PLÁSTICOS S.A. DATE OF APPROVAL | 18-01-2018 START DATE | 01-08-2017 DATE OF COMPLETION | 12-31-2018 TOTAL ELIGIBLE COST | €765,000.00 FINANCIAL SUPPORT FROM THE EUROPEAN UNION | FEDER – €344,250.00 PROJECT SYNTHESIS: The main purpose of this project is to strengthen the organization and management capabilities of EXPORPLÁS, contemplating a set of investments that include: platforms that contribute to the development of modern distribution networks, logistic equipment that will contribute to a better organization and efficiency of the Company’s work flows, the reinforcement of the company’s laboratory capacities and the implementation of an operational transformation project. The project’s strategic objectives are: i) to reach a Turnover close to 48 million euros, in the year after the project (2019); ii) consolidate its presence in international markets; iii) increase the weight of exports in the Company’s turnover; iv) be the owner of a properly equipped R&D laboratory; v) expand its product range (polymeric monofilaments used in the manufacture of artificial turf mats).


Project Code: POCI-02-0853-FEDER-000594 INOVGRASS PROJECT Main objective: Production of new polymeric monofilaments used in the manufacture of artificial grass mats. Intervention region: North Beneficiary entity: Indústria de Exportação de Plásticos, SA Eligible amount: 3,599,617.23 Euros Financial support from the EU (FEDER): 1,799,808.62 Euros Investment project: Is underway at the company o INOVGRASS Investment Project, object of application to the Portugal 2020 Incentives system. This is an approved project within the scope of Productive Innovation. The project aims to produce new polymeric monofilaments used in the manufacture of artificial turf mats. The objectives of the project are to complement the range of products that the company offers in the synthetic turf segment and thus assume a leading position in the global market. This project aims to optimize and control processes, improve management information and increase the assertiveness of the resources used.


Project designation | TECH GRASS
Project Code | CENTRO-02-0853-FEDER-044821
Main objective| Strengthen the Competitiveness of the Intervention Region SMEs | CENTER
Date of approval | 2019-07-03
Start date | 2019-03-20
Completion date | 2022-12-30
Total eligible cost | 2,854,249.05€
Financial support from the European Union | FEDER €828.652.95

Project overview:
This project aims to strengthen the production capacity of linear low density polyethylene monofilaments (LLDPE) for the manufacture of artificial turf and increase the efficiency in the use of resources, increasingly asserting the EXPORPLÁS’ innovative profile and international vocation.

NG_TPfib Project

PROJECT ACRONYM: NG_TPfib PROJECT TITLE: New generation of fibers for the reinforcement of cementitious matrix materials PROJECT NO.: 033719 PROJECT DURATION: 36 months PROJECT START DATE: July 1, 2018