Being part of our team

Exporplás cares about you


To ensure a better access to health care,

we provide Health Insurance to our employees.

Because life can be unpredictable at times and it is mainly in these moments that the importance of being able to have good access to health care is really appreciated.

Our People are very important to us and taking good care of them is part of our core values.

This insurance allows you to benefit from all the health care you may need within a vast network of private healthcare providers, which you may find online at and/or book your appointment or treatment/surgery by calling 707 28 80 80 or 217948880. 

This insurance is offered by Exporplás and is available at no cost to its employees.

Spouses and children may equally benefit from the insurance.

For more information please contact the Human Resources Department at Exporplás.

Please note that this insurance policy is not mandatory and its maintenance is at Exporplás’ discretion.